Help is just a click away.

Welcome the Virtual.Support Independent Vendor Network

We are a collaborative support pipeline to supplement your skills and requirements to get jobs done.

We are building a band. NO an orchestra!
We are looking for polyglot players who like to dabble in everything.
This is way bigger than one can manage alone so we are searching for co-founders and Launch Partners interested in creating a service platform.

We are a choose your own adventure opportunity and want to help you help us help you. TL;dr "Join the platform: Help the world!"

Help is just a click away. We will be assisting SME businesses Mom and Pop services, Startups and established businesses to Manage their online 'Presence'.

The Platform

www.Virtual.Support is a Independent Vendor Network creating a Distributed Support Platform.

Using a Freelance Services Model fees will be paid through transactional service fees. Smart Contracts will be used to create gig's or jobs and payments will be as agreed upon progress points, milestones and upon delivery of deliverables.

A white label system for a platform-as-a-service, where we all create value and a win-win scenario whereby we all generate revenue and create happy clients. Each Vendor is responsible for maintaining the Whitelable support standards while maintaining their own independent profile.

Larger work will be achieved collaboratively through self organizing collectives which will foster self development and community objectives.

White Label Fixed Price Bidding System: Details project specifications completed for a fixed price

The platform will be used to create to open source blockchain ERC20 smart contracts for the various services offered across the platform.

Provide Core Services

We have 5 core elements to offer as a professional services package. IT services and Social Media demand photographic content. 360 with the quality of the Theta is a great tool for the average corporation and small business. Our service has the ability to finance the end user for IT Assets including Cameras for professional services. Virtual.Support Platform Incorporated (Canada) is in the formation stage and hosts several domains currently under development.

Help is just a click a way! Be a part of the solution!

Join the platform as a development / vendor partner and work with sales partners and you create a direct relationship - the platform is not "taking a cut" of your work. Communicate directly with the sales vendor and client in a cooperative support environment. It's a B2B on a large scale - Shared marketing - cooperative ventures
We are hoping to gain traction as we build. There will be network access fees - micro-services available simple subscriptions - affordable - with opportunity to white label. The name space says it all " Virtual.Support"

Formation & Ideation stage

We are in the formation stages- so are looking for formative partnerships and collaborations. We are getting people signing on and this is looking very cool. All you have to do to participate is agree to our terms and conditions - which are really just to do no evil - and set up a landing page =- we give you the DNS and you get listing on our vendor referral page. Costs will be minimal and you maintain your brand with the ability to sell to other vendors as a b2b white-label supplier.

We will be registering Vendors through Virtual.Support, photographers to, Fintech associates to Virtual.Lease to allow white label support and mentoring to get jobs done across the platform.
We are a collaborative support platform to supplement multidisciplinary skills and training to get jobs done. RFP and requirements specifications processing will be our initial role as project managers.

Multidisciplinary Expertise will be assisting SME businesses Mom and Pop services, Startups and established businesses to Manage their IT and on-line 'Presence'.
www.Virtual.Support is a Independent Vendor Network creating a Distributed Support Venture. Our platform provides the IT and Media Support capabilities to SMB ventures from Startups & Mom and Pop Shops to SMB and Ecomm Ventures. A white label system for a platform-as-a-service, where we all create value and a win-win scenario whereby we all generate revenue and create happy clients. Each Vendor is responsible for maintaining the White Label support standards while maintaining their own independent profile and client base.

Freemium Model

Transactional fees and distributed products and services platform will create a lean startup style agile organization model. IT Support, 360 photography, Drop Shipped Products, affiliate programs, and on-line advertising opportunities will create our base product line to support our clientele.

Project: Independent Vendor Network creating a Distributed Support Platform


Register via our Support Email:


Voice over IP packages available throughout North America.

VOIP Services From Virtual.Support Email

Virtual.Support Platform QR Code Generator

Quick Reader Code's are still the workhorse of instant connectivity. QR Codes provide visual access to any URI resource.

Enter URI and click QR! button.
Direct Link to AR Assets, Images, Web Pages etc through the custom generated QR Code


310 Fifth Ave East, Vancouer BC


Please send interac help@Virtual.Support


Monday - Thursday: We never Close. 24x7
Friday: People work on Fridays now? We Do - 24x7
Saturday - Sunday: Best not to ask but we are here 24x7

Help is just a click away.
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